

社會責任承諾 Social Responsibility Commitment

  • 公司管理階層將維持良好公司治理,並嚴格遵守商業道德規範。

Company management will maintain good corporate governance and strictly adhere to business ethics.

  • 公司之組織管理運作符合政府及國際法規、準則、公約、宣言等相關規範要求,並持續追求改善進步。

The organization and management of the company meet the requirements of government and international regulations, principle, conventions, declarations and other relevant norms, and continue to pursue improvement and progress.

  • 要求公司各項經營管理符合社會責任準則與相關法規規範。

Require the company management to comply with social responsibility guidelines and related regulations and principle.

  • 提供員工安全健康的工作環境及合理的薪資與福利。

Provide a safe and healthy working environment and reasonable pay and benefits for employees.

  • 提倡環境保護活動,促進能源和資源使用效率最佳化,並持續投入減少廢棄物與防治污染環境,積極參與各類型社會公益活動。

Promote environmental protection activities, promote the optimization of energy and resource efficiency, and continue to go into in waste reduction and prevention and control of the environment pollution, and actively participate in various types of public welfare activities.

  • 教育所有員工,使員工了解並支持公司善盡企業社會責任。

Educate all employees to understand and support the company's corporate social responsibility.

  • 與客戶、供應商溝通交流企業社會責任之內涵,藉由彼此學習,期望能共同進步。

Communicate with customers and suppliers the connotation of corporate social responsibility, through mutual learning, to make advancement together.

  • 根據企業社會責任行為準則及政府法律規定,公司努力保護和保障勞工之工作環境、條件、場所、權力、權利義務,以確保勞工在健康安全、工作安全及工作報酬等方面,受到平等、妥善之對待。

In accordance with the CSR Code of Conduct and government law, companies strive to protect and safeguard the working environment, conditions, places, rights and obligations of workers in order to ensure that they are treated equally and properly in terms of health and safety, safety at work and remuneration for their work.



The Company complies with the provisions of social responsibility:

禁用童工與青年勞工保護Prohibition of child labor and protection of young workers

  • 確實查證員工之年齡。

Confirm the age of the employee.

  • 絕不僱用不符合法律所規定之未滿最低就業年齡的兒童。

Never employ children who do not meet the minimum age for employment stipulated in the law.

  • 如果發現誤用童工,將提供適當協助、採行補救措施。

If child labor is found to be misused, appropriate assistance and remediation will be provided.

  • 如有僱用青年勞工之需求,應將訂定完整之保護制度和程序。

If there is a need to employ young workers, complete systems and procedures for protection should be established.



Technical / apprentices / interns / student workers / development workers / trainees / Cooperative education class student protection

  • 絕不違法僱用技術生/學徒/實習生/學生工/養成工/見習生/建教合作班學生。

Never illegally employ technical students / apprentices / interns / student workers / development workers / trainees / students in cooperative education classes.

  • 如僱用技術生等,會提供符合法律規定之合法工作場所和職場工作學習計劃。

If hiring technical students etc., will provide a legal workplace and work learning program in accordance with the law.


自願工作與人道的待遇Voluntary work and humane treatment

  • 絕不強制員工工作及限制其自由,員工得自由出入工作場所和宿舍(管制區域除外)。

Employees are never forced to work and are restricted from working, and employees are free to enter and leave workplaces and dormitories (except in controlled areas).

  • 不以懲戒性或不人道方式管理員工。

Employees are not managed in a disciplinary or inhuman manner.

  • 尊重和保護員工之人格尊嚴,禁止對員工虐待、體罰、精神或肉體脅迫和言語侮辱。

Respect and protect the personal dignity of employees and prohibit abuse, corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion and verbal abuse of employees. 

  • 不使用任何有形式之囚工。No compulsory prisoner labor.
  • 不違法、任意扣留員工之身分證件、護照、居留證、工作證等個人文件正本。

Do not violate the law, arbitrarily detain the employee's identity documents, passports, residence permits, work permits and other original personal documents.

  • 員工有自由決定是否加班、請假、離職之權利,不會因而受到懲罰,相關流程應遵照法律與公司辦法之規定提出申請及完成手續。

Employees have the right to decide whether to work overtime, take time off, resignation, will not be punished, the relevant process should be in accordance with the provisions of the law and the Company's methods to apply for and complete the formalities.


健康與安全Health and safety

  • 提供健康、安全之工作環境,並提供工作所需之防護設備及措施,以維護所有員工之健康與安全;採用危害鑑定、危害層級控制及持續員工訓練,確保有效緩解工作危害情況。

Provide a healthy and safe working environment and provide the protective equipment and measures necessary for the work to maintain the health and safety of all employees, and use hazard identification, hazard level control and continuous staff training to ensure effective mitigation of work hazards.

  • 鼓勵員工提出健康與安全相關意見,保證其意見能確實傳達至管理階層,並保護其不受到不當對待。

Encourage employees to provide health and safety-related advice to ensure that their opinion are truly communicated to management and to protect them from improper treatment.



All employees are encouraged to freely join the community and the company to provide appropriate religious ceremonies to assist and  ensure free communication between employers and employees

  • 尊重員工自由集會結社之權益,鼓勵員工成立和加入工會或各類型社團。

Respect the rights and interests of employees to freedom of assembly and association, and encourage employees to form and join trade unions or various types of associations.

  • 確實辦理勞資會議,鼓勵勞方代表和資方代表能積極充分討論溝通。

Do manage labor-management meetings,and encourage representatives of the labor side and management fully discuss and communicate.

  • 如員工有宗教信仰儀式活動之需求,公司於得協助之範圍內給予適當協助。

If employees need religious ceremony activities, the Company shall provide appropriate assistance within the scope of assistance.


不歧視/不騷擾Non-discrimination / non-harassment

  • 公司之任何人員不得因人種、膚色、年齡、性別、性傾向、性別認同及表現、種族或民族、殘疾、懷孕、信仰、工會會員資格、政治立場、社會階級、國籍、宗教、團體背景、退伍軍人身份或婚姻狀況等歧視或騷擾他人。

No person of the Company shall, on the basis of race, colour, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, race or ethnicity, disability, pregnancy, creed, trade union membership, political position, social class, nationality, religion, group background, veteran status or marital status, Discrimination or harassment.

  • 公司不允許任何威脅、虐待、剝削及性侵擾行為存在,包含以姿勢、語言和身體之接觸。

The Company does not permit any threats, abuse, exploitation or sexual intrusion, including gestures, language and physical contact.

  • 公司絕不干涉員工工會之選舉、規章制度和運作,亦不干預員工之種族、社會階級、國籍、宗教、殘廢、性別、性別取向等個人自由及權利。

The Company shall not interfere with the election, rules, regulations and operation of employees' trade unions, nor in the freedoms and rights of individuals such as race, social class, nationality, religion, disability, gender, gender orientation, etc.

  • 若員工發現公司有任何歧視情況存在,可以口頭或書面向提出申訴,公司將於一定時間內以口頭或書面回覆申訴者後續處理狀況。

If employees defect any discrimination by the Company, he or she may file a complaint, either orally or in writing, and the Company will respond to the complainant's follow-up status, either orally or in writing, within a certain period of time.

  • 不讓員工或準員工接受帶有歧視性的醫學檢驗或身體檢查,例如懷孕或童貞體檢。

Employees or prospective employees are not allowed to undergo discriminatory medical or physical examinations, such as pregnancy or virginity tests.


懷孕女性員工保護Protection for pregnant female employees

  • 禁止安排懷孕和哺乳期之女性員工從事會影響胎兒、嬰兒健康的毒害工作及可能會影響胎兒和懷孕女性員工身體狀況的勞動。

It is prohibited to arrange for female employees who are pregnant and nursing to engage in toxic work that affects the health of the fetus and the baby, as well as work that may affect the physical condition of the fetus and pregnant female employees.

  • 公司積極宣導女性員工勞動衛生保健知識,加強女性員工勞動保護教育,建立女性員工在經期、懷孕期、產期、哺乳期、更年期之健全保健制度。

The company actively advocates the knowledge of female employees' health care, strengthens the labor protection education of female employees, and establishes a well health care system for female employees during menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, lactation and menopause.


合法的工作時間Legal working hours

  • 公司應制定和執行符合法律規定之工作時間及加班制度。

The company shall establish and implement a system of working hours and overtime in accordance with the law.


工資福利制度Wage and benefits system

  • 公司提供高於法定基本工資之員工薪資,並正確計算員工正常工作時間和加班時間之工資,採用優於法律規定的福利制度。
    The Company provides employees' salaries higher than the statutory base salary and correctly calculates the employee's wages for normal working hours and overtime hours, using a benefit system that is superior to the law.

健全的管理系統A well management system

  • 公司管理人員遵守法律規定、公司規章及承諾遵行社會責任政策,以透過定期管理審查方式,確認社會責任之執行成果。

Company managers comply with legal requirements, company regulations and commitments to social responsibility policies in order to confirm the results of social responsibility implementation through regular management reviews.


環境保護要求Environmental protection requirements

  • 公司透過ISO14001環境管理系統運作,落實環境法令規定,確保排污合乎法規、環境危害源減量和節能減碳,妥善管制有害物質(含禁限用物質)、固體廢棄物和廢氣排放。

Through the ISO14001 environmental management system, the Company implements the provisions of the Environmental Ordinance to ensure compliance with regulations, reduction of environmental hazards and energy conservation and carbon reduction, and proper control of hazardous substances (including prohibited substances), solid waste and emissions.

  • 妥善管理水資源,並建立明確之溫室氣體減量目標,公開揭露相關環保數據資訊。

Properly manage water resources and establish clear greenhouse gas reduction targets to publicly disclose relevant environmental data.


商業道德要求Business ethics requirements

  • 所有公司之商業活動應遵守誠信道德規範,禁止任何形式的貪污、敲詐勒索、挪用公款和洗錢等行為。公司內部應推行監控制度和加強執行,以保證符合廉潔經營的要求。

All companies' business activities shall be conducted in accordance with the Code of Integrity and Ethics, which prohibits any form of corruption, extortion, misappropriation of public funds and money laundering. The company should implement a monitoring system and strengthen implementation to ensure compliance with the requirements of incorruptible.

  • 公司人員不得任意提供、接受賄賂或其他形式不正當收益。在得提供、接受適當饋贈禮物之情形,該禮物之價值應符合規定或道德禮節。

Company personnel may not offer or accept bribes or other forms of improper income. In the case of an appropriate gift to be provided or accepted, the value of the gift shall be in accordance with regulations or ethical etiquette.

  • 公司依照法規和主要商業慣例,公開揭露公司之商業活動、組織結構、財務狀況和績效等資訊。

The Company discloses publicly information about the Company's business activities, organizational structure, financial position and performance in accordance with regulations.

  • 公司應保護自己之智慧財產權及尊重他人之智慧財產權。在採行保護公司技術和生產經驗之手段上,應以妥善維護相關智慧財產權為原則。

Companies shall protect their intellectual property rights and respect the intellectual property rights of others. In the adoption of means to protect the company's technology and production experience, the principle should be to properly safeguard the relevant intellectual property rights.

  • 公司應制定公平交易、廣告和競爭之標準,且須採用保護客戶資訊之措施。

Companies should set standards for fair dealing, advertising and competition, and adopt measures to protect customer information.

  • 公司應訂定適合之制度和執行程序,以有效保護檢舉公司不法或不當行為之供應商和員工,並保障其身分之隱密性。

The Company shall establish appropriate systems and enforcement procedures to effectively protect suppliers and employees who report wrongdoing or misconduct by the Company and to safeguard their confidentiality.

  • 公司以負起社會企業責任之態度使用礦產。公司所製造之產品中如有需要使用鉭、錫、鎢、黃金、鈷、雲母時,公司承諾不會直接或間接採購、使用「衝突礦產來源地區」所生產之「衝突礦產」。

The company uses minerals in an attitude of social enterprise responsibility. When the company manufactures products that require the use of tantalum, tin, tungsten, gold, Cobalt, and Mica, the Company undertakes not to purchase or use conflict minerals directly or indirectly from conflict mineral source areas.


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